Monday, September 24, 2007

For Want of Wasted Time

I used to consider my 15 minute commute a perk, but I think I may want to revise my opinion. I have an iPod, and do subscribe to a few podcasts. But I had no idea how many options were out there! Right now I am listening to Science Magazine Podcast, September 21, 2007 about new data from Mars. Apparently they suspect underground caverns and caves caused by flowing water. They are discussing everything from the limits of the technology used to the ramifications of water on Mars. A few minutes ago I was learning more about String Theory and how Einstein may have been working towards that end before he died.
There is so much out there of value; I plan on using Nova's The Elegant Universe in my physics classroom tomorrow.
Now all I can say is I wish I had a longer commute!!


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